Contact your Class 3 FFL (selected by you) and let them know you will be transferring a GDM™ product through them.
Bring this with you to your FFL&SOT NFA dealer and they will go over it to make sure you have completed it correctly for the product you purchased (whether or not you register the NFA item in the 3 possible ways to do so).
All dealers require the items below for either just you or everyone in the trust or corporation.
(1) Photocopy of BATFE Form 4 (5320.4) (Application for Tax Paid Transfer and Registration of Firearm)
(1) $200 Check to Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
(2) Original BATFE Form 4s (5320.4) (Application for Tax Paid Transfer and Registration of Firearm)
Affix (1) Passport Photo to Item 15 of each Form 4, do NOT staple
(2) Original FBI Form FD-258s (Fingerprint Card)
Your FFL & SOT will notify you when your GDM™ product is ready for pickup, at which point you will complete a BATFE Form 4473 at their location and finalize your ownership.
Also, mark your calendar and you may periodically check in if you have not heard from the Class 3 FFL in over 6 months.
We are an American family owned business located in the United States. We have served the shooting sports and firearm industry as well as the medical, aerospace, and medical industries since 1988. All the GDM™ products are manufactured in-house at our production facility in Dayton, Ohio. All GDM™ products carry a 100% Satisfaction 30-day money back guarantee as well as Manufacturer Defect Lifetime Warranty. Customer satisfaction is the utmost priority, striving to create “life-long” returning customers, not just a sale. From one AMERICAN family to another –GDM™
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